To kick off the season, the Paire FC Jamboree will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. We will send an email regarding location of the Jamboree in the next few days.
During the Jamboree players should be on the field brushing up on their skills while parents register their child/ren for the Fall 2013 Youth League.
For this year's returning players: The registration fee will be our club fee of $10.
For new players: The registration fee is $35 which includes our club fee and the NMIFA player fee.
Uniforms: Paire is updating its look with a new uniform. Players that are U12, U15 & U18 will need to purchase a uniform kit for $25 that includes shirt, shorts and socks. We are expecting the uniforms to arrive any day and we will be sending out more information. U10, U8, U6 players will be using the last season's uniform.
Can't make the Jamboree? That's okay. However, please let us know if your child will be playing for Paire this season so we can save him/her a spot on the roster.
So spread the word – Paire Fall Jamboree/Registration is on Saturday, August 24 @ 9:00 am. (Remember, we will let you know the field location in a couple of days.)