Please help NMIFA by informing your coaches, players, players’ relatives and friends regarding the Hopwood Field Usage Regulations. Hopwood Middle School’s Principal Jonas Barcinas has called our attention couple of times already about his concerns and warned NMIFA that if his regulations is violated again, he will no longer accommodate NMIFA to use the field on any of our activities.
Here are the regulations:
1. NO PARKING INSIDE THE CAMPUS. We will make sure the front gate is open for the entrance of the people.
2. CLEAN UP EVERY AFTER GAME. Please help in picking up the trash even if it is not yours and it is better to teach our players to clean up before leaving the field.
3. NO LOITERING AROUND THE CAMPUS. All coaches, players, players’ relatives and friends must stay at the field area only all the time.
4. DO NOT SIT ON THE AIR CON UNITS. Many air con units were broken and damaged already according to Jonas.
If you see someone violating, please warn him/her about the school’s regulations. NMIFA staff cannot do it alone. We need everyone’s help on this so we can continue our good relationship with Hopwood Middle School. Thank you very much for your support and let me know if you have any concern or suggestion.