Games for all age groups, competitive and non-competitive, are cancelled tomorrow (Sat. Oct. 17, 2015).
More sever weather conditions are expected to prevail later today and most or all soccer fields may not be ready by tomorrow. A lot of players may not be able to show-up for their games due to the aftermath of the typhoon. As of now it appears that a lot of areas are flooded and without power.
I'm releasing this announcement through my personal email because the NMIFA internet server is currently down. A later announcement may not be possible because of power outages.
Thank you very much and we hope for the safety of everyone.
Ross D. Zapanta
General Secretary
Northern Mariana Islands Football Association (NMIFA)
TSL Plaza, 3rd floor, PMB 338, Box 10001, Saipan, MP 96950
1 670 235-0173 (Office)
1 670 285-9658 (Mobile)
1 670 233-6632 (Fax)